In Congonhas, a town in the interior of Minas Gerais, a tragedy has shaken a family and the local community. Five-year-old Lívia Carolina complained of shoulder pain and was taken to the hospital, where she was initially sent home with pain medication. However, the pain persisted, and the situation quickly worsened.
Worried, the parents returned to the hospital, but despite efforts to treat Lívia, she did not survive. The family accuses the hospital and the responsible orthopedic doctor of negligence and malpractice, pointing out that an X-ray, which should have been carefully analyzed, revealed a dislocated bone—a condition known as scapulothoracic dissociation, a rare and serious condition that can cause neurological and vascular complications.
The case has prompted a thorough investigation by health authorities and the police, while the family seeks justice to understand how a seemingly simple complaint ended in such a tragedy.